This program is divided into modules that help you understand each of the 5 communication choices we have at our disposal. Each module describes a specific style of communication, which is represented as a coloured chair, an animal and a quote.
Throughout the modules, you will meet JD Holden, a fictitious executive at a global company, who learns the hard way how to communicate with his peers in order to achieve his goals. Along the way, you will be invited to reflect on your own behaviours and learn the tools and techniques to master your communication.
Downloadable resources for each chair allow you to put the theory into action and provide handy reference tools for use beyond this course.
Overview of the 5 Chairs
The Red Chair – The Jackal (Attack)
In this module you will learn to identify when you are being outwardly critical, The Jackal is used to symbolise how we use communication to attack others
The Yellow Chair – The Hedgehog (Self-Doubt)
In this module you will learn to identify when you are being inwardly critical, The Hedgehog is used to symbolise how we communicate when we feel attacked, threatened or not good enough
The Green Chair – The Meerkat (W.A.I.T.)
In this module, you will learn to identify how to pause and self-reflect, The Meerkat is used to symbolise curiosity and patience. It might be considered to be the chair from which we do not communicate, rather, to take the time to understand what is going on for us.
The Blue Chair – The Dolphin (Detect)
In this module, you will learn to identify what is important to you (your needs). The Dolphin is used to symbolise self-assuredness. In this chair, we are able to communicate assertively, without being aggressive
The Purple Chair- The Giraffe (Connect)
In this module, you will learn to identify what is important to the other person (their needs). The Giraffe is used to symbolise compassion. In this chair, we are able to communicate empathetically
Quizzes and Resources
To test your understanding, there are a number of quizzes along the way.
To help with your practice, there are resources and assignments for you to download and keep.